Author: David Long

How To Get There

In order to take advantage of the opportunities for systems engineering in nontraditional markets we need several things. First and foremost we need a vision. This involves being able to see the opportunities themselves. We must be able to recognize where organizations – potential customers – are doing systems design …

Seven (Plus or Minus Two)

George A. Miller died July 22 at age 92. He was truly a giant in the world of psychology. In 1956 he published an article in Psychological Review entitled “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information”. His ideas were especially important …

What do we want/need for the audience to know?

What do we want/need for the audience to know? The major purpose of any presentation is to convey a body of information to the intended audience. Last week we explored the importance of meeting the information needs of the audience. This opens the door and creates the opportunity to convey …

Know Your Audience

Know Your Audience The first question to answer when considering any presentation is “Who is the intended audience?” The answer to this question will tell you how the audience is used to communicating. (For example- Do they rely on specialized language? Are they accustomed to particular kinds of visual representations? …