Author: Zane Scott

Plucking Power from Thin Air

By Zane Scott, Vice President of Professional Services Paleobiologist Meredith Perry dreamed of a battery charger that could recharge batteries without a wired connection to the power source from which the power was drawn. That technology existed but was severely limited to very short distances because the electromagnetic power driving …

The Systems View

If you’ve paid a visit to the National Mall in Washington DC this October you may have noticed some puzzling patterns covering a large area between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. At ground level the markings were discernible as patterns but they lacked any overall coherence. They were …

Painting a Picture of Your System

Designing a system solution is a creative act in the fullest sense of the word. Among the most common definitions of creativity there are two recurring elements. Creativity is most often described as the act of producing something that is both novel and valuable. This certainly describes the systems engineering …

A Revolution All Dressed Up for Dinner

At its recent International Symposium the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) released its Systems Engineering Vision 2025 report titled aptly “A World In Motion.” This document is a bold and forward-thinking vision of an exciting future. On the surface it appears innocuous enough. However, it is only on close …