Category: Career

Systems and Transplants

Zane Scott, Vitech Vice President of Professional Services I don’t usually write blogs from the first person point-of-view. It’s not my style. But the past two weeks brought about a conjunction of professional and personal topics that demanded a personal approach. On Saturday, March 4, Dr. Thomas Starzl, 90, passed …

A Systems Engineer Grows Up

By Jeff Sili, Vitech Principal Systems Engineer Silicon Valley icon and industrial designer Steve Jobs had a favorite dictum when he spoke to young audiences. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you …

The Power of Storytelling in Program Design

One thing I have noticed over my years as a practicing principal systems engineer is that when program managers and technical leads can’t tell their story clearly, it’s because they aren’t clear about what they’re trying to accomplish. Let me back up for a moment and introduce myself, since I’m …