Category: Education

A Systems Perspective on Diversity

Solving complex problems is the main course on the systems engineering menu. No longer reserved as a delicacy to be consumed by a few adventurous diners, complex problems are daily fare for the working engineer. It is the easy-to-solve, simplistic problem that has become rare. This situation has a wide …

Nature or Nurture? Expanding the Systems Engineering Population

Wherever I find myself – regardless of geographic location or application domain – if the community understands the practice and value of systems engineering, leading voices consistently warn of a shortage of systems engineers. Virtually every community complains of a bimodal distribution (a “bathtub curve”) with a heavy concentration of …

The Value of Learning SE Language

This language thing can be tricky, and on some days, downright frustrating. The particular quirk of language that is the object of my strife today is that most every word has more than one meaning. In order to discern the intended meaning of a speaker/author, the context in which the …

Plucking Power from Thin Air

By Zane Scott, Vice President of Professional Services Paleobiologist Meredith Perry dreamed of a battery charger that could recharge batteries without a wired connection to the power source from which the power was drawn. That technology existed but was severely limited to very short distances because the electromagnetic power driving …