Category: Industry


When we hear the word negotiation, we immediately think of techniques and ploys designed to bring an opposing party into line with our goals and aims for the dialogue. That may be all well and good for a limited, single purpose engagement where the conversation and relationship are not intended …

Meet Laszlo Kecskes, Customer Support Specialist

As a customer support specialist for a systems engineering company, you have to have a special mix of skills—technical aptitude, a strong people side, and, critically, persistence—an ability to persevere and stay with a problem until you reach a solution. Laszlo Kecskes appears to have all three in spades. His …

Meet Steve Cash, Systems Engineer

At a small company in Illinois in the early 90s, Steve Cash was given a lot of leash. As a 20-something fresh out of college with a degree in electrical engineering, this was heady stuff. The company did prototype engineering with a focus on automotive fuel injection and ignition systems. …