Category: Industry

The Value of Learning SE Language

This language thing can be tricky, and on some days, downright frustrating. The particular quirk of language that is the object of my strife today is that most every word has more than one meaning. In order to discern the intended meaning of a speaker/author, the context in which the …

5 Characteristics of a Great Systems Engineer

The other day, I found myself at an industry event surrounded by colleagues that I have worked with throughout my entire career. Some of these colleagues were former leads and managers that directly influenced my career path and were mentors to help shape my knowledge and understanding of systems engineering. …

4 Myths and Misconceptions of MBSE

Over the last nine years, many engineering organizations and countless systems practitioners have invested significant time and energy into the transition from document-centric to model-centric systems engineering. During this time, we have made notable progress. Unfortunately, we have also contributed to – if not created – several myths and misconceptions …

Book Review: Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield by M.J. Ryan and M.R. Frater

  By Gareth Digby, Vitech Principal Systems Engineer In Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield the authors discuss the disparate elements that have to be brought together in order to design a system solution:  the technology’s capabilities and constraints along with the organization’s structure and operations. Although this text focuses …