Category: GENESYS

Models and Views

“Model” and “view” are terms that are used somewhat loosely in the world of systems engineering. Often they are used interchangeably. Frequently, the imprecision of their usage causes confusion. Careful consideration of these terms can offer some help in clearing away the confusion. Many model definitions feed this imprecision. Consider, …

The Forgotten System

In a previous post, Three Systems we have discussed the existence of three systems around any system design or improvement project. In every such project we deal with the system we are designing or improving, the context system in which it will live and the system we use to execute …

Registration for Insight 2013 is now open!

Join us for a 3 day Vitech user group event offering a unique opportunity to CONNECT, DISCOVER, and ENGAGE in the application and advancement of cutting-edge model-based systems engineering approaches. Connect.Listen to high-profile thought leaders and get the latest industry insights.   • Keynote speakers   • Leading model-based systems engineering experts   • …