Category: Complexity

Automating Organization

In my last post I discussed organizing your models by folder. I gave an overview of what I’ve found to be model organizational best practices, in this post I’m going to take us one step further and begin to show you how you can automate some of the best practices …

Social Systems and Systems Engineering

The INCOSE Vision 2025, “A World in Motion,” traces throughout its narrative the inescapable interaction of systems engineering with “social systems.” It advocates the expansion of systems engineering involvement into such systems. It even lists, “Applying systems engineering to help shape policy related to social and natural systems” as one …

Organizing Your Models

“The only difference between a mob and a trained army is organization” – Calvin Coolidge Have you ever come across a model that was more of a mob than useful tool? I have! Systems Engineering is partly an effort in organizing your systems information and concepts in a way that …

Concurrency for Select

In modeling a behavior, we often need to represent a selection logic controlled by a set of stimuli.  How we do it correctly and sufficiently lies within how well we understand the Executable Constructs. Let us take a look at the behavior of automobile traffic at an intersection controlled by …