Category: Model-Based Systems Engineering

One Model to Coordinate them All

Requirements models, activity models, interface models, parametric models, reliability models, thermal models, power models, finite element models, … the list goes on and on. In this drive towards model-based systems engineering (MBSE) – and ultimately model-based engineering to connect the product lifecycle – how can we make sense of this …

7 Classic Errors in Deploying MBSE

Model-based systems engineering is many things. It is architecture and analytics. It is communication and analysis. It is methods and tools. Fundamentally, it represents a shift from low fidelity representations in documents to higher fidelity, richer representations serving as the single source of truth for both communications and analysis. Ultimately, …

MBSE Implementation: More than a Tool

One of the reasons I love my job is that I have the opportunity to talk to prospective customers about their project pain points, and I help them develop a system solution to address their needs. As a result of these initial conversations, the topic inevitably turns to a model-based …