Category: Systems Engineering

The Siren Songs of Systems Engineering

The Siren, Edward Armitage, 1888 First you will come to the Sirens who enchant all who come near them. If anyone unwarily draws in too close and hears the singing of the Sirens, his wife and children will never welcome him home again . . . There is a great …

The Need to Suboptimize Systems Engineering

By David Long, Vitech President A good systems engineer working on a project should seek to suboptimize systems engineering. A heretical statement? Not really. In fact, the path to optimizing systems engineering lies in suboptimizing systems engineering. It may sound paradoxical, but it’s true. The purpose of systems engineering is …

Avoiding Off-ramps on the Way to Good Systems Engineering

By David Long, Vitech President There is no doubt that systems engineering is growing. It is growing in applicability as the degree of complication and complexity rises across many different application domains – aerospace and defense, transportation, automotive, energy, medical, consumer products, and more. It is growing in importance as …

Models – Involved or Foundational?

Zane Scott, Vitech Vice President of Professional Services In the world of model-based systems engineering there is a surprising amount of confusion over the role and concept of models. One would think that a concept important enough to be contained in the very name of the practice would have a …