Category: Systems Engineering

Thinking inside the Skull

One of the most common and easily made mistakes in the engineering world is that of jumping to solution. It is quite easy to frame any given problem in terms of a solution or class of solutions. But the cost of this mistake is errantly removing from consideration all possible …

9 Imaginary Roadblocks to MBSE

For over ten years, the systems engineering community has been focused on the transformation from document-centric to model-based techniques. In terms of the Roger’s innovation adoption lifecycle, we are beyond the early adopters, in the early majority, and moving towards the tipping point where model-based systems engineering becomes the expected …

Test Configuration Management in MBSE

As groups look to the broader potential of model-based systems engineering (MBSE), supporting test and evaluation in a MBSE environment – and model-based T&E – has become a subject of interest. This has been the subject of recent presentations at various venues including the 2016 Systems Engineering Test and Evaluation …

Design, Creativity, and Innovation in Engineering

The recent INCOSE International Symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland featured a challenging and thought-provoking keynote address by Professor Larry Leifer of Stanford University. Taking an unorthodox approach to engineering design, Professor Leifer challenged symposium delegates to incorporate thinking from the world of art and design into their engineering problem-solving processes. This …