Category: Systems Engineering

Is a Document a Model? (and why would I care?)

If you hang around those applying model-based systems engineering (MBSE) long enough, you will eventually hear a passionate debate regarding whether a document is a model. For the general public, this sounds about as compelling as the question “is it system engineering (singular) or systems engineering (plural)?” While both may …

The Value of Learning SE Language

This language thing can be tricky, and on some days, downright frustrating. The particular quirk of language that is the object of my strife today is that most every word has more than one meaning. In order to discern the intended meaning of a speaker/author, the context in which the …

Solving Problems the Old-fashioned Way

I recently read an article in Quality Progress magazine (a monthly publication of the American Society for Quality) which talked about focusing on the problem before determining a solution. In this article the author quoted two prominent thinkers, Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln. Albert Einstein said: “If I only had …