Category: Requirements

MBSE 2.0 — Finding the Right Path

More and more, we are starting to think of model-based systems engineering—MBSE—as entering its next iteration. In what we are seeing as “version 2.0,” MBSE is not so much a new, augmented and revised edition of the model-based approach as it is a return to and a re-emphasis on its original …

Developing Our Next-Generation SE Workforce

Whenever I visit an organization engaged in systems engineering, the #1 challenge is always the same. Large or small, seasoned or new, government or commercial, the complaint is always the shortage of good systems engineers. The common refrain is “we don’t have enough, and many of the ones we have …

The Systems Metamodel and Communication

The Systems Metamodel What is the system metamodel? It is the framework on which the system model is constructed. A system model must create a depiction of the system being studied or designed that will allow the design team to see its elements, relationships and attributes in a way that …