Category: Systems MetaModel

Modeling SysML Activities in GENESYS

Modeling behavior in SysML can be painstaking and difficult to communicate to a broad range of stakeholders. Fortunately, GENESYS makes it easy to use SysML constructs in a way that facilitates a comprehensive and consistent behavioral model and makes it easier to discuss with a broad range of stakeholders. What …

Managing Functional Requirements with GENESYS

Requirements management in GENESYS differs from approaches used by other systems engineering tools, modeling or architecture tools, and databases. In keeping with academic and INCOSE processes, GENESYS leverages the full power of MBSE for requirements management using its systems metamodel as a guide. (See: What is the Difference Between a …

Connection: The Theme of 21st Century Systems Engineering

Systems engineering is entering a new era. The publication Systems Engineering Vision 2025: A World in Motion, originally published in 2014 by the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), called for a shift in direction to include previously uncharted territory for systems engineering. This shift recognized new realities and needs …