Tag: Requirements

Vitech: Best of 2018

As one year turns into another, we are looking back to see what compelled our attention in 2018. What were the ideas and stories about systems engineering that caught our eye? Where were we challenged to re-think certain assumptions we held, and how did that change us? Where did we …

Requirements Management vs. Requirements Engineering

As long as I’ve been an engineer, people have spoken about requirements management. I agree that requirements management is important to keep a program in compliance with stakeholder objectives. By stakeholder, I mean our own internal organization, the customer, the manufacturing team, the test team, the installation team, the lifecycle …

Why is that requirement there?

Have you ever been working on a project and read a requirement and thought, “Why’s that there?” or “What’s that supposed to mean?” I know I have. I’ve worked on Department of Defense and commercial programs and seen requirements that make me pause. I vividly recall working on one software …