Tag: Stanley McChrystal

The Meaning is in the Metamodel

Our quest to transition to model-based systems engineering – and the larger transformation of the development lifecycle to digital engineering – centers on moving from relatively low-fidelity documents to higher fidelity, richer representations. In doing so, we can move from the ambiguity of documents to digital clarity, allowing us to …

Is Digital Our Opportunity to Reset the Perception of Systems Engineering?

Those intimately familiar with systems engineering recognize the value it brings to projects and organizations. The 2012 study, The Business Case for Systems Engineering, quantified the connection between the application of systems engineering best practices and project performance. Even without this study, systems engineers intuitively understand the law of conservation of …

The Quest for Shared Cognition

Recently, I was asked a technical question regarding a workflow. I could offer a precise answer but fortunately had just enough context to know that in doing so I would set the project back rather than move it forward. In this case, the various players each had a slightly different …