A Glimpse of GENESYS 4.0

Systems engineering is fundamentally about seeing the big picture – leveraging multiple viewpoints and bringing together a diverse team to explore the problem from many perspectives, elicit diverse insights, understand the true problem, and deliver the right solution to meet the customer’s needs. Systems engineering is technical and communication. Systems engineering is architecture and analytics. At its very core, systems engineering is holistic – beginning with the end in mind, leveraging processes, methods and tools to successfully deliver against customer needs in an effective and efficient manner free from unintended consequences. Delivering the automated support that systems engineers and their organizations need is the driving force behind GENESYS 4.0.

For years, Vitech has focused on empowering the systems engineer through an ever more advanced integrated engineering environment. GENESYS 4.0 reflects the next step in this journey – more viewpoints from which to analyze the problem, design the solution, and communicate effectively; more capabilities to streamline common systems engineering tasks enabling the team to focus their energy on creativity and innovation; automation to aid the engineer and avoid entire classes of systems engineering errors; and refined interfaces leveraging the best of today’s technology to deliver an enhanced user experience. GENESYS 4.0 builds upon insights and proven capabilities from Vitech’s CORE product line, introduces new capabilities and innovations inspired by our engineering experience, and blends the best from industry and technological advances. Leveraging this concept of “balanced reflection” combining the best of our systems engineering expertise and the best from industry, GENESYS 4.0 brings together the capabilities systems engineers need to think, create, and communicate in a fully integrated systems engineering environment.

But effective systems engineering requires far more than systems engineers. It takes a team to engineer a system – a team of systems engineers, domain engineers, managers, and specialists; a team engaged with users, customers, and stakeholders; a team where the systems engineer may be at the hub of technical connection and communication but a team where ideas and insights come from every member. With its underlying model capturing the critical information and semantics of systems engineering combined with a completely open technical architecture, GENESYS 4.0 connects systems engineering to the greater project team and the enterprise. Effective communication requires communicating with specialists in their terms in their environments, so GENESYS 4.0 includes a library of pre-configured connectors to the common business environment delivering your data, your way, in the environment teammates already know. With an ever-expanding set of specialists on the project team, it’s critical to move beyond manual processes or imperfect data exchange, so GENESYS 4.0 enables custom connectors to any number of specialty tools. With an open approach where anything possible through the GENESYS interface is exposed for third-party use, GENESYS 4.0 seeks to deliver not only the integrated systems engineering capabilities you need and an open environment for even greater team connectivity but also unlock the ability for customers and partners alike to develop their specialty plug-ins for new interfaces, new automation, new data exchange, and new innovation.

There are many who focus on subsets of systems engineering – managing requirements, managing risk, drawing SysML diagrams, maintaining traceability, and much more. Partitioning systems engineering into its component aspects and supporting each with separate teams or separate tools fundamentally breaks the systems perspective, fracturing viewpoints, losing insight, and reducing the overall systems engineering effectiveness. Vitech has always focused on integrating systems engineering – the thinking, the processes, the underlying model, the key artifacts and deliverables, and most importantly the team. Our methodology, training, software, and services deliver an integrated framework, enabling the team to leverage diverse viewpoints for analysis, inspiration, and creativity while the framework handles the essential “bookkeeping” of systems engineering. There are those who choose to systems engineer their own systems engineering tool suite – connecting multiple tools and middleware from one or more vendors, working to resolve not only the syntactical connections but the semantics to preserve some degree of meaning as data interconnects or passes between multiple tools. But we believe our customers’ time, energy, and expertise is better focused on engineering their systems of interest rather than investing their precious resources in building and maintaining their basic environment.

Why GENESYS 4.0? GENESYS 4.0 better equips systems engineering teams to understand and address challenges holistically and better connects them to the greater engineering and business enterprise. Fundamentally, we believe there are many dimensions – technical and communication, architecture and analytics, process and methods – to effective and efficient systems engineering, and systems engineering is more effective when they are brought together in an integrated and cohesive environment. When GENESYS 4.0 launches on January 21st as the latest in Vitech’s line of systems engineering solutions, we hope you agree.

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