Author: Jeff Sili

Why a small team benefits from a CORE Server

By Bethany Maddox, Customer Support Specialist Working at the head of our Customer Support team, I have the opportunity to talk to many of our customers. I often talk with long-term users and find that over time their needs are changing, and their CORE deployment needs to change to meet …

Risks and Concerns Explained – Using Turkey Talk

By Bethany Maddox, Customer Care Specialist This week many of us will walk head-first into a glorious system problem that chefs, home cooks, and aspiring cooks face every year. How on earth do you get a traditional Thanksgiving dinner cooked with all dishes going on the table at the same …

We’re Listening: The Vitech Customer Care Team

By Bethany Maddox, Customer Support Specialist Last week we posted a blog that mentioned the work of the Vitech Customer Care Team. Only after the blog post went live did it occur to me that not everyone operates like Vitech does and what “Customer Care Team” means to us might …