Author: Zane Scott

5 Standards for Choosing a Tool and Approach

Complexity is nothing new to systems engineers and managers. The discipline of systems engineering evolved to improve our ability to deal with scale, interdependency, and complexity in systems development. Few systems engineers would doubt that complexity is increasing every year. The rate of change, the increasing interdependence and adaptability of …

Leadership for Systems Engineers: 6 Traits to Cultivate

Recent examples drawn from current events underscore the necessity for an appropriate leadership temperament. This is no less true for systems engineers than it is in the political world. Particularly in the technical world, this aspect of leadership is often overlooked when discussing leadership or providing leadership training. This is …

Nuts and Bolts

The following is the story of one engineer who charted a clear course through the problems of communicating from her world to another. Suzanne opened her eyes that morning to a feeling of mixed anticipation and nervousness. The day was here! She looked forward to the challenge but at the …