Category: Education

Celebrating Vitech’s 27th Birthday

Milestones are great times to stop and acknowledge where you’ve been and where you’re going. This past week, on Tuesday, August 13th, Vitech celebrated 27 years of being in business. We’re more than a little proud of all we’ve accomplished in our first little-more-than-a-quarter century, and are looking forward to …

Developing Our Next-Generation SE Workforce

Whenever I visit an organization engaged in systems engineering, the #1 challenge is always the same. Large or small, seasoned or new, government or commercial, the complaint is always the shortage of good systems engineers. The common refrain is “we don’t have enough, and many of the ones we have …

The Journey to MBSE Implementation

Implementing model-based systems engineering in any organization is a journey. It is not something that can be done by bringing home some concepts from an exciting conference and announcing their implementation. It is rather a deliberate process of defining a desired state, mapping the steps to get there and gathering …