Celebrating Vitech’s 27th Birthday

Milestones are great times to stop and acknowledge where you’ve been and where you’re going. This past week, on Tuesday, August 13th, Vitech celebrated 27 years of being in business. We’re more than a little proud of all we’ve accomplished in our first little-more-than-a-quarter century, and are looking forward to what’s next.

To honor our journey thus far, we have collected a cornucopia of some of our content to share with you. Pull up a chair, bring your beverage of choice, and select from our bowl of mixed nuts. Or, if you prefer, our box of chocolates. And let’s talk systems engineering.

Here, then, is our offering.

Want a big picture overview of systems engineering?
Check out these videos:

How about a more in-depth exploration of the concepts of systems engineering?
These items should get you started:

  • Book: A Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering – For a comprehensive look at the basic concepts of model-based systems engineering, this short book is key. You can download it free from our website.
  • White paper: One Model, Many Interests, Many Views – Vitech’s MBSE tools have a comprehensive range of views that can be accessed instantaneously to provide just the right view that will speak to a particular audience. This document explains the Enhanced Functional Flow Block Diagram, the Block Definition Diagram, the Interface and Physical Block Diagrams, and many more.
  • White paper: 9 Laws of Effective Systems Engineering – This white paper lays out the basics of systems engineering in 17 concise pages.

Want to learn how our solution has been used out in the world?
These success stories give specific examples of ways Vitech software has made a difference:

Need specific help with Vitech tools?
Our short screencasts are specifically designed to walk you through various aspects of our software. This is just a sampling:

How about some food for thought?
Here is insight from some recent blog posts:

Thanks for indulging us. We’re always thrilled to be able to share our expertise. And should you have any questions, we are here for you. Just email us at info@vitechcorp.com.

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