Category: Industry

Nuts and Bolts

The following is the story of one engineer who charted a clear course through the problems of communicating from her world to another. Suzanne opened her eyes that morning to a feeling of mixed anticipation and nervousness. The day was here! She looked forward to the challenge but at the …

The Quest for Shared Cognition

Recently, I was asked a technical question regarding a workflow. I could offer a precise answer but fortunately had just enough context to know that in doing so I would set the project back rather than move it forward. In this case, the various players each had a slightly different …

Integrated or Engineered?

As organizations expand their scope and look beyond model-based systems engineering (MBSE) to model-based engineering, digital thread, or digital engineering, there is a common refrain. Over and over again, organizations speak of pursuing integrated models. Integration is certainly a step forward from disjointed, but integration alone is not enough. If …