Category: MBSE 2.0

MBSE 2.0 — Finding the Right Path

More and more, we are starting to think of model-based systems engineering—MBSE—as entering its next iteration. In what we are seeing as “version 2.0,” MBSE is not so much a new, augmented and revised edition of the model-based approach as it is a return to and a re-emphasis on its original …

System Design Using MBSE

When you are developing a system design, have you ever asked yourself how it will be implemented? As systems engineers, we must always keep in the back of our minds that someone will have to print or manufacture parts, assemble and integrate subsystems, and eventually maintain the system. We can …

Understanding Your System

While industry is working out the details of model-based systems engineering implementation, I am going to discuss the most basic concept in systems engineering: The System. The word system creates a difficulty since the word can refer to a system of any degree of complexity, be it an eco-system, an …