Category: Systems Engineering

Leveraging Affinity Diagrams during System Design

Chapter 4 of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (4th ed.) provides a thorough discussion of “Technical Processes for the System Lifecycle.” The first two technical processes are (i) business or mission analysis and (ii) stakeholder needs and requirement definition. Each of these processes leverages engagement of system designers with business …

Bees: A System of Systems for a Young Audience

Several times a year, my wife and I pack up the truck with beehives, enormous pieces of honeycomb, apiarist’s tools and a white jumpsuit complete with veils and hats, and head to our local school. There, I do a beekeeping class for hundreds of elementary age kids ranging from 4 …

Not All “Truth” is Created Equal

A single source of truth. This is one of the most used and most overloaded terms in model-based systems engineering – perhaps second only to “model” itself. A clear and compelling objective on the surface, it is shorthand representing an aspiration for project teams and a benefit of adopting MBSE. …