Category: Systems Engineering

A Glimpse of GENESYS 4.0

Systems engineering is fundamentally about seeing the big picture – leveraging multiple viewpoints and bringing together a diverse team to explore the problem from many perspectives, elicit diverse insights, understand the true problem, and deliver the right solution to meet the customer’s needs. Systems engineering is technical and communication. Systems …

Introducing Systems Engineering

Systems engineering is not solely about technical engineering matters regarding a system or product.  Successful systems engineering alters the way an organization works and impacts the state of mind of the individuals within the organization towards systems engineering.  If handled incorrectly the introduction of systems engineering can place a number …

Turkey Talk – Round 2

Last year I shared with you Layer 1 of planning a holiday feast using a systems approach. We defined our requirements, considers concerns, identified risks, and even started thinking about our architecture at a high level. Let’s quickly review. Here’s what my requirements looked like: After considering concerns and risks, …

MBSE Implementation: More than a Tool

One of the reasons I love my job is that I have the opportunity to talk to prospective customers about their project pain points, and I help them develop a system solution to address their needs. As a result of these initial conversations, the topic inevitably turns to a model-based …