Category: Requirements

The Human-Machine-Environment Matrix And Use Cases

By Gareth Digby, Vitech Principal Systems Engineer Summary Eliciting the requirements for a system is an important first step in the system’s creation. Use cases provide an effective means of capturing the stakeholder’s understanding of the system’s needs. This post demonstrates how Chapanis & Fitts’ “Human-Machine-Environment” Matrix can provide a …

Continuing the Discussion: Relationship Attributes

By Ron Kratzke, Principal Systems Engineer The following conversation is a question and response on the Vitech Community Site Forums– feel free to comment on the forums or join the Vitech LinkedIn page with your questions! For the “Performs/Allocated To” relation between Components and Functions or Performers and Operational Activity …

Painting a Picture of Your System

Designing a system solution is a creative act in the fullest sense of the word. Among the most common definitions of creativity there are two recurring elements. Creativity is most often described as the act of producing something that is both novel and valuable. This certainly describes the systems engineering …