Category: Requirements

Nuts and Bolts

The following is the story of one engineer who charted a clear course through the problems of communicating from her world to another. Suzanne opened her eyes that morning to a feeling of mixed anticipation and nervousness. The day was here! She looked forward to the challenge but at the …

Why is that requirement there?

Have you ever been working on a project and read a requirement and thought, “Why’s that there?” or “What’s that supposed to mean?” I know I have. I’ve worked on Department of Defense and commercial programs and seen requirements that make me pause. I vividly recall working on one software …

Fit for Purpose – The Choice of View

Zane Scott, Vitech Vice President of Professional Services One of the quandaries regularly presented to systems engineers is which view or combination of views to use when representing the system model to others. In today’s practice, there is a blessing – and a curse – in the sheer number of …