Category: Requirements

The Golden Circle of Systems Engineering

Since its delivery at TEDxPugetSound in 2009, Simon Sinek’s Start with why – How great leaders inspire action YouTube video has been viewed over 17 million times. Sinek introduces the concept of the golden circle of communication, highlighting how great leaders – both individuals and organizations – lead the same …

Four Potholes on the Road to Successful MBSE

As companies attempt to transform their design processes into a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) environment, they often find that the road to transformation is less than smooth. Many of the bumps and potholes in that road stem from the tendency to pick up on a term without being very rigorous …

Thinking about space laundry for a trip to Mars

How do you do laundry on a nine-month trip to Mars? Answer: You don’t. At least, scientists have not yet figured out the answer to this challenge—one of space travels interesting problems. A water-based solution is out of the question—water is heavy and expensive to ship, and what water one …

What does it mean to be model-BASED?

The Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge* defines a model as “a simplified representation of a system at some particular point in time or space intended to promote understanding of the real system.” There is broad acceptance that models are limited or simplified representations of a reality of interest. There is …