Category: Tips and Tricks

We’re Listening: The Vitech Customer Care Team

By Bethany Maddox, Customer Support Specialist Last week we posted a blog that mentioned the work of the Vitech Customer Care Team. Only after the blog post went live did it occur to me that not everyone operates like Vitech does and what “Customer Care Team” means to us might …

On Writing Well: Part 4 – More Components and Process

Structure Remember to treat writing as a system. Make your logical argument flow, building words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, paragraphs into sections, and sections into documents. Vary your constructions – they mark out the cadence of your writing. You can use cadence to convey your message. For example, a …

On Writing Well: Part 2 – Drilling Down

In our last post we looked at making a high-level system design for a paper about a project, arguing that a proposed design change would make it impossible to complete a hypothetical project by its original due date. The design called for a four-paragraph structure that flowed as follows: P1 …