MBSE and SysML: Twins or Just Friends?

MBSE and SysML have spent some time growing up together – and even gotten popular together, and now they’re finding that many are confusing them as twins, or even two names for the same concept. Although both can complement each other and many organizations find systems engineering success using SysML …

Management of INTERFACES and LINKS

Outside of teaching and planned consulting, one of the things I get to do at Vitech is answer the methodology questions that come in each day from our customers. One of the more common questions we’ve been fielding lately is “How does interface development work in CORE 9?” CORE 9 …

A Revolution All Dressed Up for Dinner

At its recent International Symposium the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) released its Systems Engineering Vision 2025 report titled aptly “A World In Motion.” This document is a bold and forward-thinking vision of an exciting future. On the surface it appears innocuous enough. However, it is only on close …

The more we get together…

We are all very aware of how social media, general internet, and other technologies have made it easy for us to interact with each other more than ever before. We can keep up with what all of our family, friends, and coworkers are doing – knowing when they get promotions, …