Tag: Systems Metamodel

MBSE: System Models, Executable Models, and More

When engineers speak about model-based systems engineering, or MBSE, the term “model” is used in many ways. Unfortunately, this only creates confusion between systems engineers, modeling and simulation engineers, and detail engineers. We all use models, so does this mean we’re now model-based? No. Remember that MBSE was devised as …

Systems Thinking: Schemas, Metamodels, and MBSE

“Metamodel” and “schema” are terms that get thrown around when we talk about systems and modeling of systems. But what do they really mean? “Meta” comes from the Greek and literally means “above” or “beyond,” but has also come to mean “about” or “of,” so a metamodel is a model …

Celebrating Vitech’s 27th Birthday

Milestones are great times to stop and acknowledge where you’ve been and where you’re going. This past week, on Tuesday, August 13th, Vitech celebrated 27 years of being in business. We’re more than a little proud of all we’ve accomplished in our first little-more-than-a-quarter century, and are looking forward to …