Using the Verification and Validation Facility in CORE9

By Ron Kratzke, Principal Systems Engineer

CORE 9 has the ability to allow the system engineering team to plan Test and Evaluation activities for the system design project. This capability resides in the Verification and Validation Facility and includes the “VerificationRequirement”, “VerificationEvent”, “TestProcedure”, “TestConfiguration”, and “Test Activity” classes.

In a system design each leaf-level Function and Requirement is meant to be verified. This verification is captured by relating a “VerificationRequirement” to each Function and Requirement using the “verifies” relation (a VerificationRequirement verifies a Requirement/Function). The engineer may design a single VerificationRequirement to verify multiple leaf-level Requirements and Functions.

The system engineer may then organize the verification requirements into a “VerificationEvent”, one VerificationEvent may fulfill more than one VerificationRequirement. Typical verification events may include things like: Laboratory Test Events, Limited User Test Events, Integration Test Events, and many others as determined by the organization test and evaluation process.

The system engineer can also work with the test and evaluation team and capture the planning for VerificationEvent support by relating the VerificationEvent to an Organization responsible for the VerificationEvent and also identify the TestProcedure and Test Configuration to be employed during the VerificationEvent.

This schema organization allows the system design team to gain a complete, comprehensive traceability of leaf-level requirement verification and provide a thorough understanding of verification activities necessary to verify the system design.

For more information on verification and testing in CORE, please be sure to check out our webinar today at 12 ET (October 14, 2014). Missed the webinar? Find it in our archive.

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