Category: Systems Engineering

System Insight

The central responsibility of the systems engineer is matching the results produced by the solution system with the stakeholders’ requirements. The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) clearly defines the job of the systems engineer as “. . . ensur(ing) that the customer and stakeholder’s needs are satisfied . . …

An Introduction to the Constraint Block Definition Diagram and Parametric Diagram in GENESYS

By Ron Kratzke, Principal Systems Engineer GENESYS 4.0 introduced two new diagrams – the Constraint Block Definition Diagram (BDD) and Parametric diagram. The addition of these two diagrams opens and expands insight into system design.  The Constraint BDD graphically displays the parameters restricting or constraining system design.  The Parametric diagram …

Get A Running Start with GENESYS 4.0

In January we launched GENESYS 4.0. We’ve been a long time developing this release and that means a wealth of new capabilities. It also means there’s a lot to learn. We know you’ll have lots of questions and we’re ready with the answers. The extended development cycle means that we’ve …

The Future of Fully Connected MBSE

Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) seeks to reduce rework and errors through the use of a central model that is accessible to all those involved in the engineering process. In traditional document-centric systems engineering, documents are the repository of information. The use of information requires the movement of information between documents, …