Category: Systems

Specification Building Part 1

In my last post I discussed the concept of executing your specification using different forms of simulation. In this post I’d like to take a step back and examine some of the fundamentals of specification writing in GENESYS. A lot of people use GENESY to start their MBSE journey, but …

Architectural Views Using N2 Diagrams (Part 1)

Architecting Architecture is an interesting aspect of system design. As systems thinkers, we know that the behavior of the system is the result of the interactions of the components of the system with each other and the interactions of the system with its environment. These interactions are defined by the …

Group Decision-Making the FACM Way

The Full Analytical Criteria Method (FACM) is derived from the work of Dr. Thomas Saaty and others on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP uses a 9-point scale to evaluate a large number of alternative solutions against each other with respect to a single criterion at a time. It accommodates …