Category: Vitech

Know Your Audience

Know Your Audience The first question to answer when considering any presentation is “Who is the intended audience?” The answer to this question will tell you how the audience is used to communicating. (For example- Do they rely on specialized language? Are they accustomed to particular kinds of visual representations? …

An Open Letter to the Systems Community

23 September 2011 An Open Letter to the Systems Community In August 1992, a small systems engineering company was born just outside of Washington, DC with the vision of improving tools and practices for the systems engineering profession. In the nineteen years since, we have seen significant changes – consolidation …

DoDAF 2.0 Viewpoints in CORE

Many customers contact our Support Team with questions about producing DoDAF views. What elements and relationships are needed? How do I set up document elements?   In May , Cliff Levine presented a webinar on this topic for our customers. A recording of that webinar is now available . Click …

Webinar (4/19/2011) Permissions In CORE

Last week we posted Part 1 of a short blog series on permissions in CORE. This is just one way that we are working on giving CORE users more information on this powerful capability. Next week I’ll be presenting a webinar on Permissions in CORE. We’ll then wrap all of …