Webinar (4/19/2011) Permissions In CORE

Last week we posted Part 1 of a short blog series on permissions in CORE. This is just one way that we are working on giving CORE users more information on this powerful capability. Next week I’ll be presenting a webinar on Permissions in CORE. We’ll then wrap all of this up with another blog post and more in depth information.

CORE supports access control to the CORE system, individual projects and the establishment of privileges at the CORE environment, project, element, and attribute level. System Administrators are granted the access to setup user accounts, to determine the permissions level of users, and to set up groups of users.

Groups are an effective way to manage permissions that allows for managing team member changes in an efficient manner. Groups allow you to grant permissions based on a team members role in the project.

Join us next week and register now as I demonstrate these capabilities in a webinar on Tuesday at 3PM.

If you have already registered, we appreciate your support.

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